Friday, January 4, 2008

Preparing to Depart Iowa

Well, we finally have solidified our exit plans out of Iowa. It was very difficult to get our "friends" to give us a ride to the train station in Ottumwa. At first the word from several people was "you're on your own" and "thanks for all your hard work, we appreciate it". The intensity of our request heightened through the night. At some point people from New Mexico laughed at our situation which made us very sadly disappointed. But what do you do, thats "politics", right?

We wish to thank Chet Guinn who called David Rogers, and ...for making calls to the senior level staffers who then got the people who told us "we are on our own" to really start helping us.

If this were in my town, Los Angeles, and on any campaign I was affiliated with or managing, you bet I would help my volunteers. In fact, there has been many times on local, state, state-wide and congressional campaigns where my volunteers needed help and we treated them like family. Volunteers, staff and the candidate are always family.

We chalked it up as, perhaps, a mid western thing.

We will have plenty of time on the train to think about all this. :)

1 comment:

7 Wins said...

Sorry to hear you all ran into static trying to leave. hope your return was safe. Thanks for helping BR. - Matt R.