Friday, January 4, 2008

Latino Outreach for Iowa Caucuses by Erika Aguilar

During this campaign I did canvassing and phone banking. The majority of the time I talked to Latinos on the phone. The majority of Latinos don’t know about the caucusing process in Iowa. They were also surprised that Richardson was a Latino himself. One of the main issues that they always brought up was the health care benefit, and the war in Iraq. I’m not going to say that all my experiences with the people I talked to were good, I had some rude people and I also had some nice people. I think it all depends on what time you call lol.

Latinos in Iowa have not really realized the power and influence they could have in Iowa and in affecting the presidential primary. They have enough influence here to sway campaigns but have yet to unify. Maybe they won’t realize or choose to exercise this great power.

Durante esta campana me toco caminar puerta a puerta y hacer llamadas a Latinos. La majoria de la gente no save el proceso de caucusing en Iowa. Tambien se sorprendieron al escuchar que Richardson es Latino. Una de las cosas que mencionaban al hablar era el plan de salud, y la guerra en Iraq. No voy a decir que todas mis experiencias fueron buenas, la gente era buena pero habeces no tan buenas haha.

Latinos en Iowa no comprender la magnitud de que ellos tienen el poder y la influencia ellos tienen aqui en Iowa que puede afectar a los primary. Ellos tienen la influencia para cambiar las campanas pero tienen que unirse. Ellos tienen que entender o escojer como usar el poder que ellos tienen aqui en Iowa.

-Erika Aguilar

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